M9302 Capaciters

From: Christian Fandt <cfandt_at_netsync.net>
Date: Thu Apr 22 20:42:53 1999

Upon the date 02:43 PM 4/22/99 -0800, Zane H. Healy said something like:
>Well, in getting the area around the /44 cleared up I discovered that I've
>got a M9302 after all, of course there is a reason that they weren't on my
>inventory list. All the capaciters on the board are pretty well smashed.
>The printed circuitry is also fairly badly corroded.

Use Scotchbrite or steel wool to clean off the corrosion. *Make sure* you
get all the steel wool bits out either by blowing off with air hose or
running through dishwasher (if your wife doesn't catch you ;) Scotchbrite
under warm water is best though. If any bare copper traces show now, cover
the edge conns and shoot the solder-side with clear enamel or perhaps clear
shellac spray to protect from further corrosion. This has always given me
good results when I do pc board restorations.

>I think I can probably get it cleaned up enough to use temporarily at
>least, however, I need to know what size of caps I'm supposed to use (yes,
>they're that badly smashed.

I'm not near my 9302's to check but if they're 0.1 mfd I have a ton of them
(well, a thousand or two pieces . . .) Either axial lead glass-encased
ceramic or radial disk ceramic both at 50 WVDC. Let me know if that's what
the value is and I'll send you what you need. If they're 0.01's, then I may
not have any but I can do some heavy digging to check anyway.

Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
        URL: http://www.ggw.org/awa
Received on Thu Apr 22 1999 - 20:42:53 BST

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