The "FIRST PC" and personal timelines (Was: And what were the80s

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Thu Apr 22 21:02:16 1999

I suspect that few of the readers of this list remember the early '50's as I
do. I wasn't trying to compare or contrast the prices of the antique
computers which were under discussion, but rather point out that few people
would put out a month's pay (gross) for a personal computer, even today. In
the early '50's there were more people, including some professionals, with
less than $300 after taxes (and they were MUCH lower then) than there were
people earning more. There wasn't yet a minimum wage of $1.00 per hour,
and, in fact, when I had a minimum wage job in '60, I earned <$5.00 per
8-hour day. Naturally a $300 computer wasn't on my list of things to buy.


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: The "FIRST PC" and personal timelines (Was: And what were

>>> Just to put things into perspective, a week's groceries, these days, for
>>> family of four, cost about $150, a decent mid-priced car costs $15000,
and a
>>> farily well equipped and appropriately designated personal computer with
>>> 400MHz pentium, 8GB HDD, 64MB of RAM, OS installed, all the multimedia
>>> features, plus a current-generation modem (V.90) costs $400 less the
>>> with monitors costing $139 for a 15" and $300 for a 20" type. These
>>> are from Best-Buy's ad in last Sunday's paper. You can probably do
>>> if you shop.
>>These prices are also based on technology that has had 50 years to mature,
>>and therefore the comparison is entirely invalid.
>"If the automobile had followed the same price-performance changes as
>the computer industry in the past 50 years, a Rolls Royce would today cost
>$4.95, get two million miles to the gallon, go 50000 MPH, and explode
>once a day, killing everyone inside." -- Robert X. Cringley
> Tim Shoppa Email:
> Trailing Edge Technology WWW:
> 7328 Bradley Blvd Voice: 301-767-5917
> Bethesda, MD, USA 20817 Fax: 301-767-5927
Received on Thu Apr 22 1999 - 21:02:16 BST

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