The "FIRST PC" and personal timelines (Was: And what were the 80s

From: Eric Smith <>
Date: Fri Apr 23 04:22:19 1999

> The Apple-][ most certainly did come with built-in Video. That's just about
> all that was built-in.

Strange. Several of my friends bought them back in 1977, and they only
got a computer with an RS170A-compatible (roughly) output on an RCA jack,
which was intended for connection to a TV or monitor that was NOT supplied.

My point was that the PDP-8/e with VT8-E that I had brought up earlier had
every bit as "real" a video output as the later systems that Lawrence wants
to designate as "first".

> BTW, I just gave away one which had an APPLE brand
> monitor with it.

Sure, but there weren't any Apple brand monitors in 1977. Apple didn't
even resell another brand of monitor at that time.

I stand by my assertion that the PDP-8/e with VT8-E was a personal computer
with raster graphics. It was designed for use by one person, and was
inexpensive enough that a determined but not fabulously wealthy person could
buy one. A few people did.

The VT05 that Allison mentioned was a raster display terminal, but did not
have graphics capabilities (even as an option). I've got one. I don't have
a VT8-E; since I can't seem to find one, I'd at least like to get some prints
and build one.
Received on Fri Apr 23 1999 - 04:22:19 BST

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