I've got disk box, 19" rack mount, that is labelled Chrislin Industries.
Inside is an SA612 hard disk labelled DL0: on the front, and two 8"
floppies (NEC floppies) labelled DY0: and DY1: on the left. (horizontal
mount). Inside the box is a PC board that takes a 50pin connector (labelled
"Controller") and has connectors labelled WINC0, WINC1, 5" FLOPPY, 8"
This is the zillion dollar question, it looks as if this box could be
plugged into an RQDX3 and emulate two RX02 and an RLxx. Or, it could plug
into some CI controller that did its own emulation.
My "Microcomputers and Memory" handbooks lists on the back the following
boards for an 11/23 in a BA11-N
#0 KDF11-AA
#1 MSV11-DD
#2 MSV11-DD
#3 DLV11-J
#4 spare
#5 spare
#6 spare
#7 spare
#8 BDV11-AA
My question is if I stuck the RQDX3 in slot 4 would it work? If I found a
copy of RSX-11M could I boot it on this system (128KB of memory) how about
RT-11? Do I need the BDV11 if I have the RQDX3 ?
Received on Sat Apr 24 1999 - 19:28:55 BST
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