Several of us got together at John's selling spots at TRW and used that for
"command control". The day was really comfortable, and we looked all over
for cmoputer related bargains. Towards the end, I was wandering around and
ran across a Multitech Micro-Professor MPF-1P for $10 that was still in the
box and only missing a ribbon cable to connect the processor board to the
printer board. For anyone interested, there pictures of it are at:
Apparently several accessory cards are available including an EPROM burner,
and a speech card. The only one that came with this unit was the thermal
I'll leave it to the others to describe what they found there. After the
meet was over, we headed out to lunch to get more comfortable and discuss
VCF 3.0, computer collecting, ebay, and other interesting topics!
After lunch, we went over to Johns to check out his collection. Having a
wall of racks containing computers and peripherals is a really neat thing to
see. Since John is fast running out of space, I volunteered to remove parts
of the collection for him to give him more room. But he felt that the Imsai
and others felt at home there, and as much as he wanted the additional room,
felt that it would be unfair to the computers to just transplant them
without any warning. But, as I told him, this was something I would only
volunteer to do for a friend.
Sam fired up the MPF-IP up and it seemed to work just fine. After that, John
fired up part of his wall of computers. There is something fascinating about
watching a tape drive go through its contortions when loading programs!
At this point, I had to leave. It really was a fun day and I am looking
forward to the next one!
Received on Sun Apr 25 1999 - 16:41:10 BST