Doing a casual dumpster dive this eve and found a box with
Vic-1520 Colour Printer Plotter. NIB including manual and cables. Unopened
tube containing the 4 colour nibs. Dont know if they're dried out but they're
An MJB H8401 4 socket game-port expander and 40/80 converter
in a really sturdy metal case with 6-led select switch and reset.
C= 802 printer like new.
New parallel card for Apple ll with cable and lle socket plus typed manual
from PC Wares .
What looks to be a 1/2 ht. 5 1/4 Apple ll floppy in a 1541 case usual All
cable but with a different non-apple controller card inside ??
A Bantam paperback manual on the Timex-Sinclair 1000 and a couple of
copied mmanuals (Oxford Pascal for C64, Spinnaker), a package from Quantum
Link with a discount coupon. Wonder if AOL would honor it ? :^))
Made my day !
ciao larry
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Received on Tue Apr 27 1999 - 19:30:59 BST