>same page you would use for RT-11 (its essentially rt-11 V2). HT-11
>would have to have dup, dir, resourc and a few other utilities on it do
>be useful.
But such utilities didn't come along until later in RTs life.
Actually, in early versions of RT-11 (HT-11), PIP did all the
same functions which were eventually broken out into the
separate utilities DUP and DIR... Of course, since that split,
several other functions were added to each utility, and have
no analogue in V2.
And there was no RESORC, or HELP.
Megan Gentry
Former RT-11 Developer
| Megan Gentry, EMT/B, PP-ASEL | Internet (work): gentry!zk3.dec.com |
| Unix Support Engineering Group | (home): mbg!world.std.com |
| Compaq Computer Corporation | addresses need '_at_' in place of '!' |
| 110 Spitbrook Rd. ZK03-2/T43 | URL:
http://world.std.com/~mbg/ |
| Nashua, NH 03062 | "pdp-11 programmer - some assembler |
| (603) 884 1055 | required." - mbg |
Received on Wed Apr 28 1999 - 07:49:44 BST