John Foust blurted out:
> So who owns a Simon today?
I haven't found one yet. There are a few people who have the Simon plans,
and at least one of them has made some progress in building one.
> Have you tracked down the family or employees?
Yes, I've tracked down a couple of the employees and got some good info
from them, some of which is on my web site. I'm also (slowly) working up
to contacting Ivan Sutherland, Simon programmer and generally famous guy,
through a mutual friend. Berkeley's papers went to the CBI after he died,
so there's a ton of good info available about his work. Not to mention
his books, which are readily available at places like ABE.
> *Working* at Haggle?
Formerly. Now working at Go2Net in Seattle. I haven't yet moved up to
Seattle, but will soon. Any Seattle collectors hang-out around 3rd and
Madison? Buy me lunch. Bring an umbrella.
-- Doug
Blinkenlights Archaeological Institute Featuring... Nearly Forgotten Personal Computers
Received on Thu Apr 29 1999 - 02:13:42 BST