Old CD-ROMs & free C compiler?

From: Fred Cisin <cisin_at_xenosoft.com>
Date: Thu Apr 29 14:17:05 1999

> > >were a lot of bizarre proprietary CD-ROM interfaces.
> I have some old Hitachi CD-ROM drives. They are single speed, from memory part
> number CDR-1503S. About the area of a desktop PC, but not as high. Connect to
> the host computer via a 37-way D connector.
> Does anyone know what type of controller card is needed in the PC to use these
> drives?

HITACHI. Sometimes "proprietary" is quite literal. I think that some
models of them were also sold by Amdek, and therefore possibly
interchangeable. I probably still have some (and drivers!). But I'm not
sure how long it will take me to find 'em.

> Also, can anyone recommend a free C compiler running under MS-DOS, that can
> produce code capable of running on an XT type PC? I have used djgpp, but
> programs compiled with that require at least a 286SX.

I like PCC ("Personal C Compiler"), which when it was a commercial
product sold as DeSmet C. Try:
(which may or may not still be valid).
It is NOT an IDE ("integrated development environment") It is a command
line oriented compiler that takes a .C source file, and produces a .O
object file, which then needs to be run through the included BIND.EXE to
produce a .EXE

You can fit everything that you need on a 360K floppy.

Fred Cisin                      cisin_at_xenosoft.com
XenoSoft                        http://www.xenosoft.com
2210 Sixth St.                  (510) 644-9366
Berkeley, CA 94710-2219
Received on Thu Apr 29 1999 - 14:17:05 BST

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