Seeking: EDUSystem software...

From: James Willing <>
Date: Fri Apr 30 10:23:38 1999

Ok, someone has this stuff filed in the closet somewhere... B^}

I'd (and some others around) like to find copies of one or more the
various versions of the EDUSystem (timeshared BASIC) series of software
for the PDP-8.

(does anyone besides me see a VCF III demo coming on?) B^}

The one source (pun intended) that I've located on the 'net for
EDUSystem-25 is partially corrupted (in the math/init section), and so is
of marginal use...

Does someone have archives of this stuff hiding on some
disk/tape/paper/etc. somewhere?

The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
>>> Coming soon to - the CBBS/NW on-line archives
>>> Coming to VCF III (2-3 October 1999) - CBBS/NW live!
Received on Fri Apr 30 1999 - 10:23:38 BST

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