On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, Chris Cureau wrote:
> > Oh yeah, like the time Commodore shot itself in the foot claiming on the
> > outside of the box that the C64 could run CPM programs! Of course then
> > the FTC stepped in. . . .
> The Commodore 64 _could_ run CP/M programs...provided one had the
> optional Z80 cartridge...though I never tried myself. :-) The 128 was the
> first Commodore machine to actually boot CP/M disks with a 1571 drive, if I
> remember correctly.
Well so _could_ the PDP-8 if someone built the necessary hardware or wrote
a simulator for it :)
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Mon Aug 09 1999 - 00:57:06 BST