Had a little buzz on, did we?
On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Max Eskin wrote:
> > On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, LordTyran wrote:
> > >TRASH!?!?! I *love* lipton and two heaping spoons of Coffeemate creamer. I
> > >prefer that over coffee when I have time in the morning, but if I'm trying
> >
> > You should try loose tea. For one thing, I must say that green tea,
> > either bagged or loose, is excellent, sometimes better than other colors.
> > Lipton orange pekoe tea gets real boring, and it just doesn't have half
> > the aroma of loose tea. Today, I dipped a ball full of indian tea into a
> > cup of hot water, and the room smelled like I had a bouquet of flowers in
> > there.
> In Peru, the tea of choice is Matte de Coca, or coca leaves (you need to
> chew it with lime to make it the "good stuff" :) You can get Matte de
> Coca tea packets, but some nicer restaurants (like the good vegetarian one
> down the street I would often patronize) gave you a steeping cup of coca
> leaves. I'd drink mine straight (no sugar) like I drink all my tea.
> I drank it almost every morning and sometimes during lunch and dinner.
> Matte de Coca, while obviously not caffeinated, did have special
> properties. Purportedly, it was good for alleviating altitude sickness (I
> was at ~11,500ft), good for your immune system, assisted digestion,
> alleviated fatigue, and had a few other benefits (this is what was printed
> on the tea packets :) I'd have to say it did live up to a lot of these
> claims after having drank it for the better part of a month.
> Too bad America has this silly aversion to coca leaves due to this
> obnoxious and fruitless drug war we've been unsuccessfully waging for the
> past 15 years or else we might be able to get some here.
> Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
> Coming this October 2-3: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0!
> See http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
> [Last web site update: 05/25/99]
M. K. Peirce
Rhode Island Computer Museum, Inc.
215 Shady Lea Road,
North Kingstown, RI 02852
"Casta est qui nemo rogavit."
- Ovid
Received on Mon Aug 16 1999 - 22:13:48 BST