imsai 2

From: <(>
Date: Thu Aug 19 03:50:28 1999

> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 00:32:40 EDT
> Reply-to:
> From:
> To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <>
> Subject: Re: imsai 2

> Man, that's a fact. Our wholesaler sells cases with (crap) 250 watt power
> supplies for US$20, 250 watt (crap) power supplies by themselves for $19, and
> (crap) replacement fans for $15.
> Can anyone provide a clue as to why this is so? Basic economics suggests
> that it costs a *lot* more to produce a case w/psu than a psu alone --
> likewise for the psu vs. the fan . . .

Not really, Most cheapie chinse cases were shipped without PSUs. I
know because I used to work for short term at one crap shop.
And many who do sell junk cases has psu already but some decent cases
got decent PSU removed and lower quality PSU put in to expand profit
margins. If someone do find a exact case that is decent one with
different PSU (usually lower quality than case itself) other than
the original case maker put in with. CRY FOUL TIME!

> Glen Goodwin
> 0/0
Received on Thu Aug 19 1999 - 03:50:28 BST

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