Q-Bus Codar Clock

From: CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com <(CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com)>
Date: Sat Aug 21 12:30:27 1999

>While digging through my spares a couple days I came across a very
>interesting looking card.
>ASM 951-1200 REV B
>Does anyone have any information on this card, and what OS's it can be used
>with. Does it require special software?

See, for source code and documentation,


You'll find the original distribution files (from README.1ST):

  The Model 120 Calendar Clock Source Kit contains:

   1) files to build the programs STIME and RTIME, which set the calendar clock
     and initialize your operating system's date and time, respectively,

        RTIME . COM RT11/TSX-Plus command file
        STIME . MAC Source for STIME for all RT11/TSX-Plus systems
        RTIME . MAC Source for RTIME for RT11 V4.0 and later (and TSX-Plus)

   2) subroutines used by RTIME and STIME to read and set the calendar clock,

        CCSUBS . MAC Source for subroutines used by RTIME

as well as the file CODAR.DIFF, which has the Y2K patches I did a few
years back to the sources.

Now that you've got TCP/IP working under RT-11, I'll also post my
"NBSTIM" source - it goes out and queries a National Bureau of Standards
time server for current UTC time and date over the network, converts it to
local time, and uses it to check or set the -11's clocks.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:   http://www.trailing-edge.com/
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Sat Aug 21 1999 - 12:30:27 BST

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