new toy tandy 1000hx

From: <(>
Date: Tue Aug 24 21:41:04 1999

In a message dated 8/24/99 10:23:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Anyone out there with suggestion or clues on this oddball?
> Tandy 25-1053 1000HX PC.
> Interesting 8088 non-isa monoboard with what appears to be mono video
> and integral keyboard. The PS is very small, less that 55W and the MB
> is mostly cmos save for the cpu and support chips.
> I'm trying to decide if I'll gut it for the powersupply and floppy or
> find a use for it. One limiting factor is it down't appear to have a
> serial port.
> If I can find a schematic I may try a hack I've considered. Putting a
> 8085+mmu in the 8088 socket (it's been done going the other way!) and
> changing the rom so I can run cpm-80.
> First chance I'll drop by Tandy... knowing them they may have the service
> manual for it.
> Allison

that is that small apple //c looking pc clone? has dos2.1 in rom IIRC, and a
bit nonstandard card slot(s). i think the 1000ex was similar...

D.B. Young Team OS/2
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Received on Tue Aug 24 1999 - 21:41:04 BST

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