--- "Charles P. Hobbs" <transit_at_primenet.com> wrote:
> I first heard about the Amiga in 1984 (it was called "Lorraine" back then
> and not quite ready).
I ran across one in 1985 at Ohio State. fresh out of the crate. I knew I
wanted one.
> I eventually got an A1000 in 1987, and used it until 1993.
I got my A1000 in 1986 and an 8-bit ISA adapter called The Wedge in 1987
to attach a WD-WX-1 w/ST225 disk - 20Mb for $500; it beat the $1000 that
a "real" disk was going for. I later went from using The Wedge to using
the "Golden Gate II" card in my A3000 for Ethernet - it's a Zorro<->ISA
bridge card to let you use IBM cards with Unix and AmigaDOS. Eventually,
I bought the design and made a bunch of them under the name "GG2 Bus+".
> At that time, I thought about getting an A3000 w/Emplant (so I could
> run Mac DTP programs), but decided on a Mac LC III instead. . .
I went with the A3000/A-Max route - Localtalk for the Amiga and I could
hook my computer right up to a Mac-compatible laserprinter. It's still
set up at my right elbow, but I don't use it much anymore :-( I've gone
from M$ Word on an emulated Mac to M$ Word on a Windoze box. Foo. This
is not progress.
I just went to our Amiga club's December meeting/party... a dozen people. At
one point, AmiCON, the third registered Amiga user group in the U.S., had over
300 members. It was a real world example of how far the Amiga has faded away.
If there are any Amiga users out there who are still using their machines for
"useful work", I still make the "GG2 Bus+" card. It comes with Ethernet, IDE,
serial and printer drivers and is *very* well supported under BSD-flavors of
Unix on the Amiga. Write me off the list for details.
Infinet has been sold. The domain is going away in February.
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Received on Mon Dec 06 1999 - 22:53:34 GMT