--- Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net> wrote:
> You can safely let the air in (or vacuum out) of a CRT by breaking the
> "tit" on the back end of the CRT where the air was evacuated. It may be
> covered by the plug for the electrical connections. If it is then just
> break the plug off. The glass is very thin there and I've seen may people
> just use a karate chop motion with almost any metal object to break the end
> of the tit off. That will let the air in and the rest of the tube stays
> intact.
I just did that accidentally to a Mac SE. :-( I was trying to remove a
cable from the innards and my hand slipped and wacked the board on the
back of the CRT and skewed it far enough to bust that little tit. Now I
have *more* spare Mac parts.
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Received on Tue Dec 07 1999 - 11:45:53 GMT