--- Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The PDP-8/L restoration continues. I have two devices to attach to my -8/L
> > for testing - a VT220 (all have 20mA current-loop connectors) and an
> > ASR-33.
> OK, first thing to do is to clean and oil (correctly!) that ASR33. If
> parts are sticking, there's a reason for it, either no oil or old,
> gummed-up oil. Carrying on running it like this will cause wear and/or
> damage.
I have intentionally not run the TTY for more than a few lines just for this
> Do you have the 3 grey books for the ASR33? Volume 1 of the maintenance
> manual covers lubrication.
If I do, it's long buried. What's the synopsis for the area around the print
hammer/type cylinder? Some letters print OK, some don't. The ones that don't
do OK for the first one, but as I said, I have to manually press the cylinder
back down to its locking position.
How many types/grades of lubricants are there for a proper lube job on a TTY?
> Reader run is another loop (and it's not part of the 'standard' loop
> setup).
Right. I located the conversion manual in the back of some 11/20 docs - how
to turn a factory-fresh TTY into a DEC-modified ASR-33.
> According to a PDP8/e printset, the pinout of the 8-pin mate-n-lock...
> I seem to remember that's 'standard' on DEC devices. You may well need
> the equiavlent of a null-modem cable to link a VT220 to the card (swap
> (2,3) and (5,7)).
That's the kind of thing I was looking for.
> A word of warning. THere are several versions of the COM8116. The
> 'standard' one, as used by Radio Shack in the TRS-80 uses a 5.0688MHz
> clock.
I have the standard one. We used it in an optional modem eliminator option
for our sync serial boards. I have the xtals, too.
Thanks for all the good info, Tony. Now if I could only locate the box of
20mA cables in the attic...
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Received on Wed Dec 15 1999 - 23:31:48 GMT