On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 12:41:32AM -0800, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> >A bunch of terminal looking things came into a scrap yard this week, and
> >very little makes sense about them. The boxes have Motorola 88100 20 mhz
> >chips in them, but I don't remember any floppy or hard drives. The monitors
> >are 5 BNC connections with the name NCD on them (some 17" some about 20")
> >and on the back the manufacturer is listed as something like INY. Any ideas
> >what they are? Network connection is selectible 10b2 or AUI.
> I'd guess they're X-Terminals. Though apparently at least some NCD
> terminals can function as either an X-Terminal or a normal terminal.
> Zane
Only if you've got the appropriate software - I have a 19R, and once it
tftpboots its software from a host, it can either be an X terminal, can
do telnet sessions on its own, or can be a normal serial terminal.
for $20, its GREAT for sitting in the bedroom and reading email. 8-)
|Bill Bradford | mrbill_at_pdp11.org | mrbill_at_mrbill.net |
|http://www.sunhelp.org | http://www.pdp11.org | http://www.mrbill.net|
Received on Thu Dec 23 1999 - 08:33:33 GMT