in addition to getting a very clean PS2 80 and 65, i found a pcjr with
strange modifications. a switch was added to the front of the jr that says:
OFF/ON PC MODE. the computer sits on top of a case that's about XT form
factor and it is called an EXTEC 1. It appears to have a hard drive, serial
port and RJ11 jacks on it. a wide cable connects the jr to the extec. the jr
also has 3 carts; one is jrVideo by pc enterprises, the second is pcjr clock
cart by integrity tech, and one that says hardbios jr by MSC (HDD BIOS
routines for the jr and RIM HD system it says) . also got an adaptor made by
synetics sw and systems that allows two carts to plug into one cart slot.
havent tested it yet since it rode home in the back of the truck and needs to
acclimate to room temp before testing.
DB Young coming in 2000: !
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Received on Thu Dec 23 1999 - 11:00:50 GMT