-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Sunday, December 26, 1999 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: PRS01 paper tape was(Re: PDP-8/e restoration (was
>> Another thing I did not know was that there are 5 different PDP-8e
>> maintenance manual sets: Preliminary (3), Processor (3), Internal Options
>> (3), External Options (3) and Lab-8/e (1).
>I thought the PDP8/e maintenance manual was 3 volumes. Volume 1 was the
>CPU (and core IIRC). Volume 2 was internal options (EAE, Memory
>extension/timeshare, EPROM board, etc) . Volume 3 was external options
>(disks/tapes/terminals/etc). And then a separate Lab 8/e manual for the
>realtime I/O boards.
>Are you saying you have a 3-volume set for the CPU, another 3 volume set
>for internal options, etc? If so, Wow!. The single volume CPU manual
>contains an incredible amount of useful info, so a 3-volume set must be
and... what version of the *standard* three volume set do you have? Do you
have the 1.25" thick volume 3 or the 1/2" thick volume 3? Other volumes are
"maintenance training manuals" (1,3), 2,3, and 1,2.. Seems DEC only intended
certain manuals to go to the public [1,2,3]. I have 2 versions of each set
with maintenance trainers to bring me a current running total of 5 sets of
PDP-8/E maintenance guides.
I have so many other weird manuals and options I am hoping you, Alison, or
Megan have heard of them:
A 1964 PDP-8P (all transistor).. I have prints. DeCastro designed it. Could
be the straight-8 but I doubt it.
DX-36X (looks to be a straight-8 to IBM 360 interface)
RSX-11B, RSX11-C ..before RSX-11D was released.
Here's a real weird one (I'll put up pictures soon): A TU56 that does not
look like a TU56.. No "unit number switch". Only On/Off, -> , <- ,nothing
else. Two drives. Standard DECtape, NO CARDS inside. The entire drive
electronics are on an external backplane. NO, it doesn't look like a TU-55
Most useful stuff to me so far are the Microfiche and Internal Tech Notes
for my 8/S. The tech notes identify a few hundred different common problems
with the 8/s and how to fix them... many from internal DEC engineers. I also
have these for the 8,8/i, and 8/l.
I wonder if Dag only got hardware? I am certainly receiving a lot of
internal stuff.
Also, what are the current licensing issues with RT11, RSX, and RSTS? A few
list members have offered to help me read in all the different versions so I
can post them on the Internet.
Received on Sun Dec 26 1999 - 18:55:58 GMT