> ::THere is also a solution for the Atari, and AFAIK a ASCII
> ::solution: on the european charsets (7-Bit) either the #
> ::sign (already Pound on english keyboards) or the $ sign
> ::(already used as 'curency' sign on some charsets - displayed
> ::as a circle with 4 spikes) is repleaced by the (stupid) E.
> What *does* the Euro symbol look like, anyway?
Like an E, but no, more like a genic mutated C, crossbreeded
with a debenerated = ... C^H= .... just nonsense - for what
reason we need such a stupid symbol ?
Bloody Idiots.
> Ignorant Australian-American :-),
As ignorant as the european politicans ?
(SCNR, no personal instult intended)
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Mon Feb 01 1999 - 11:44:54 GMT