The two times I've had that symptom on a customers machine, once was a
bad processor, once was a bad motherboard.
Paul Braun wrote:
> Date sent: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 18:46:35 -0500
> Send reply to:
> From: "Charles E. Fox" <>
> To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers" <>
> Subject: Need some O.T. help
> >
> > I realize this is way OT, but hope someone can give me some advice.
> >
> I just built an ATX machine, so I'll try.
> > I am trying to install an ATX MB in an ATX case. All jumpers have been set
> > by the book. There is a switch on the power supply, and another on the
> > front of the case. This latter is a momentary contact type.
> > With the MB outside the case on a wooden surface and nothing connected
> > except the power supply plug and the front push button, all that I get is a
> > twitch from the cpu cooling fan, on only the first push, after that nothing
> > until it sets for a while.
> Make sure that the power on/off switch physically on the power supply is on.
> (Sounds simple, but possible.) If you have the ps connector plugged into the
> board, have a cpu, ram, and some sort of video card plugged in, and have the
> "remote ps" or something like that cable from the case plugged in, when you
> push the front panel switch the beastie oughta start up. The sleep switch is
> usually a separate switch, so if your case doesn't have one, don't worry. You
> just won't be able to use sleep mode. AFAICT, the board always has some
> power on it, and the front power switch just sends a signal to the ps to feed the
> main power in. Just make sure all your jumpers are right and that you have the
> proper little cable plugged into the "rem pwr" (or something) header.
> > Since this is the first time I have tangled with an ATX I have no spare
> > parts to substitute, so any help on how this power supply is supposed to
> > operate would be much appreciated.
> >
> > Regards
> > Charlie Fox
> Hope that helps.
> Paul Braun
> NerdWare -- The History of the PC and the Nerds who brought it to you.
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