question about viruses

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Wed Feb 17 20:43:38 1999

<The first article I ever read on computer viruses was in the Los Angeles
<Times in 1986. In fact, I clipped and saved this article (and many
<others) and still have it in a file folder laying on a shelf in my bedroom

They are far older.

<The author then accurately predicted the explosion of computer virus
<attacks. In 1986 I was just playing around with computer timebombs on the
<Apple ][ (one of my dumb friends actually used my program on an
<unsuspecting fellow computer class student and got reamed out pretty good
<by the teacher) but viruses were pretty scarce. A few years later and
<they started to become a major nuisance.

The first one I know of ram on TOPS-10 V3.x and was a monitor virus (using
modern terms). It was a hack to open the security door. That done we
created cancer that was a program that did nothing except copy itself.

that was back around '71. There were telco virus as well in teh 70s with
the advent of ESS.

back in late '69 on a PDP-8I we ran a Trogen Hourse to get passwords and
spoof people (written in pal-III!).

Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 20:43:38 GMT

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