Whee! it's finally here! I got my vaxstation 3100 from Tim in the mail today!
It's a Vaxstation 3100 model 42 a-bd with a mighty 8 megs of ram.
It works, too! Tim thoughtfully loaded VMS 6.01 on the rz23 it came with, and
after hooking it up to my apple2GS with spectrum (also a classic computer :)
I got the thing to boot up into VMS. VERY cool. :)
Wishing it had TCP-IP, but heck, if it had *everything* I want on it,
where would the challenge be? :)
By the by, after attempting to negotiate with Sydex about a single user
license for Teledisk pro (the 150 dollar license they sell is a 25 user
site license) and failing, I've resolved not to do business with them again
and have removed Teledisk 2.16 (which turned out to be a hacked version)
from my system as well as 22disk, which is their utility for copying to and
from CPM disks. Good software, but not worth what they want for it. It's
DOS mode software for pete's sake.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Tue Feb 23 1999 - 01:43:00 GMT