Teledisk was Re: Vax! (and epilogue on teledisk)

From: Joe <>
Date: Tue Feb 23 09:35:09 1999


  I wonder if Sydex would consider some of the people on this list as a
"site"? Some of us could chip in and get the site license and get a
registered copy of the Teledisk.


At 12:43 AM 2/23/99 -0700, Jim wrote:
>By the by, after attempting to negotiate with Sydex about a single user
>license for Teledisk pro (the 150 dollar license they sell is a 25 user
>site license) and failing, I've resolved not to do business with them again
>and have removed Teledisk 2.16 (which turned out to be a hacked version)
>from my system as well as 22disk, which is their utility for copying to and
>from CPM disks. Good software, but not worth what they want for it. It's
>DOS mode software for pete's sake.
>Jim Strickland
>Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Tue Feb 23 1999 - 09:35:09 GMT

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