Looking for RT-11 Documentation

From: Kevin McQuiggin <mcquiggi_at_sfu.ca>
Date: Thu Feb 25 13:20:07 1999

Hi Group:

I have absolutely no RT-11 documentation, although I have two systems
running it (both 11/23s). Does anyone have any online documentation on the
command language, configuration, device drivers, sysgen, etc? I'm fumbling
around without it.

I couldn't find much on the usual sources. An online intro, users' manual,
or similar would be helpful.

Thanks in advance,


Sgt. Kevin McQuiggin, Vancouver Police Department
E-Comm Project (604) 215-5095; Cell: (604) 868-0544
Email: mcquiggi_at_sfu.ca
Received on Thu Feb 25 1999 - 13:20:07 GMT

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