Looking for RT-11 Documentation

From: Jerome Fine <jhfine_at_idirect.com>
Date: Thu Feb 25 22:19:52 1999

>Kevin McQuiggin wrote:

> Hi Group:
> I have absolutely no RT-11 documentation, although I have two systems
> running it (both 11/23s). Does anyone have any online documentation on the
> command language, configuration, device drivers, sysgen, etc? I'm fumbling
> around without it.
> I couldn't find much on the usual sources. An online intro, users' manual,
> or similar would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin
> ==========================================================
> Sgt. Kevin McQuiggin, Vancouver Police Department
> E-Comm Project (604) 215-5095; Cell: (604) 868-0544
> Email: mcquiggi_at_sf

Jerome Fine replies:

The big problem is that almost all RT-11 documentation is copyright
and very expensive and very large. The DOCS, are they are named,
are about 3' of binders for the latest V5.6 of RT-11. I have been
told that the QJ013-GZ part number runs about $ US 1300.

Now, which version of RT-11 are you running? Why would you
like to have the DOCS? Do you wish the full set of DOCS?

This question is also for other RT-11 hobby users. I have noted
that there seems to be a lack of interest by hobby users in
Y2K patches for older versions of RT-11. I have done some
commercial Y2K patches for V5.4G or RT-11, but I deduce
that most commercial users would rather pay the full update
price for V5.7 of RT-11 for the H-kit which I understand is
about $ US 1600. On the other hand, a set of Y2K patches
for hobby users for V5.3 of RT-11 does not seem to be of
much interest. I have considered making a set, but hardly any
hobby users have expressed an interest. Is that because most
hobby users are not interested in Y2K operations or perhaps
because in the same way that hobby users want to use the
original software, they also want ONLY the original software?
I remember seeing interest in old versions of MS-DOS. Since I
doubt that they are Y2K compliant, is that because a hobby
user want the original software to run just as it was? Or was
MS-DOS never made Y2K compliant? I guess if MS-DOS
was not, it never will be at this point.

Incidentally, a friend of mine may still have some old copies
of RT-11 DOCS. I don't even know which version.
Should I ask?

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
RT-11/TSX-PLUS User/Addict
Received on Thu Feb 25 1999 - 22:19:52 GMT

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