uVax II questions

From: Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_freegate.com>
Date: Fri Feb 26 16:51:53 1999

Howdy, I've taken delivery on two MicroVax II's, one is a model 630QY-A2
and the other is a 630QB-A2, the QY is basically a narrow cabinet and the
QB is a wide cabinet. Both have 8MB and both have ethernet controllers.
Both were stripped of drives although one still has a tape unit. (TK50? How
can I tell?)

Here are the questions:

1) I'd like to find a disk or two for these (they each have slots for four
disks of the DU type.) what do I need to look for? Are there size limitations?

2) Can these things be booted over the network in a pinch? (one has no tape

2b) Do these things have boot roms that are interactive ala ODT? Until I
get disks is there anyway to verify that they work?

3) Would it make sense to combine the memory cards so that I have one 16MB
VAX or should I leave it at two VAXen?

4) One has a busextender unit that goes to a non-DEC disk card labelled:
        "Wombat" (its a disk controller of some sort) with tag WQESD 2.8M

        a) This is ESDI controller yes?
        b) It has four data connectors so four drives?
        c) Its in a different backplane UNIBUS perhaps? (quad height)

Both machines internally appear to be in very good shape. Anyone have the
        "MicroVAX II 630 QB Technical Manual" ?

All in all it wasn't a bad deal at $18 each.

Received on Fri Feb 26 1999 - 16:51:53 GMT

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