>Both were stripped of drives although one still has a tape unit. (TK50? How
>can I tell?)
Is it completely plain? If so it's a TK50. Yeh, I know that's vague.
>1) I'd like to find a disk or two for these (they each have slots for four
>disks of the DU type.) what do I need to look for? Are there size limitations?
Depends on the controller. If using a RQDX3 you're limited to DEC disks,
or at least disks that have been made to look DEC.
>2) Can these things be booted over the network in a pinch? (one has no tape
Hmmm, I think so. My VAXstation II/RC was trying to do this when I got it.
Same basic computer.
>2b) Do these things have boot roms that are interactive ala ODT? Until I
>get disks is there anyway to verify that they work?
The ROMS on a MV2 aren't very smart. Check here for a lot of answers to
your questions.
>3) Would it make sense to combine the memory cards so that I have one 16MB
>VAX or should I leave it at two VAXen?
If it was me, I'd do that and use the other cabinet for a PDP-11, but that
assumes you need a cabinet for a PDP-11.
>4) One has a busextender unit that goes to a non-DEC disk card labelled:
> "Wombat" (its a disk controller of some sort) with tag WQESD 2.8M
> a) This is ESDI controller yes?
> b) It has four data connectors so four drives?
> c) Its in a different backplane UNIBUS perhaps? (quad height)
Wierd, I've got mine plugged directly into the backplane. WUESD I think is
designation of the UNIBUS version. You've got the Q-Bus version, it's an
AWSOME card! It will run 4 ESDI drives, and has all kinds of cool features.
>All in all it wasn't a bad deal at $18 each.
Good haul, the WQESD makes it definitly worth it. ESDI drives are easy to
find cheap, though it might take some time. Their definitly better to use
than the MFM drives that are standard on the MVII's.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh_at_aracnet.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
http://www.dragonfire.net/~healyzh/ |
Received on Fri Feb 26 1999 - 21:20:31 GMT