Fujitsu FW5020M05 and Macintosh System Disks

From: Todd Osborne <>
Date: Sun Jan 3 04:09:35 1999

Can anyone provide information on a Fujitsu external floppy disk drive
for the Mac? It is model number FW5020M05. I am trying to rebuild a
SE/30 (10 years old yesterday :)

On the same note, anyone know a secret way to take the Mac OS 7.0.1
images that Apple has available on their site for free, download them to
a PC and make system disks from them? I have tons of working PC's, but
not networkable Macs to use to do this. Or, if anyone can dup me a copy
of System 6.0.4 or 7.0.1 I would appreciate it. Apparently this is
legal, since Apple has the images on their site, but if it is not,
forget I asked :)

Todd Osborne
Senior Software Engineer
FMStrategies, Inc.
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Received on Sun Jan 03 1999 - 04:09:35 GMT

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