> It was thus said that the Great Miles O'Neal once stated:
> >
> > But half your UNIX commands are no longer relevant.
> > They might be present, but they may or may not do
> > what you expect. There are a whole bunch of extra
> > commands to manipulate the odb, some intuitive and
> > some not. So any time you can't use SMIT, all your
> > UNIX knowledge is useless.
> And when, exactly, is the time when you can't use SMIT?
When the ODB is corrupted to #$%Y&*
> I bet the main reason most sysadmins hate SMIT is that it makes the job
> too easy and thus they are fearful for thier jobs.
> Me? Hey, it leaves me with more time to hack 8-)
> -spc (Would love SMIT for Linux ... )
Would love SMIT for FreeBSD (but would love the AIX Logical Volume
Manager more.
As far as SMIT... But with a better looking user interface without the
stupid running icon.
" ... Overall we've found FreeBSD to excel in performace, stability,
technical support, and of course price. Two years after discovering
FreeBSD, we have yet to find a reason why we switch to anything else"
Received on Sat Jan 09 1999 - 07:23:23 GMT