> D. Peschel said...
> |
> |What _I_ want to know is the relationship between OSF/1, a.k.a. Digital
> |UNIX, and AIX. The manual entry for stanza(4) on our DEC system is the same
> |as OSF/1 1.0, and it's SO badly written that only IBM could have done it.
> |Plus stanzas are an IBM-ism anyway. I bet the entry is pretty much the same
> |on AIX systems, too. (I just checked and our AIX doesn't have it. So I
> |don't know -- it's just a guess.)
I believe AIX was one of two (along Digital OSF/1) Unix varients
based on the OSF/1 code. IBM also contributed the file system
and LVM to OSF/1. DEC kicked in a bunch of their parts.
The Sun-AT&T deal faded away as AT&T decided to buy NCR, partner with
Pyramid and continue their attempt to chase the computer business
with badly conceived plans (like buying NCR).
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Received on Sat Jan 09 1999 - 07:31:30 GMT