-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Ismail <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, 13 January 1999 4:27
Subject: Re: supers
>On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Geoff Roberts wrote:
>> >Whether participating in distributed crypto challenges (like RC5)
>> >qualifies as "unsavory" is yet to be determined.
>> Nah. I suppose some might think it "unsporting", but it's just
>> jealousy...:^)
>I don't think that's unsporting at all. With the latest and greatest
>Pentium, all you have to do is plug a stupid little mini-tower into a wall
>outlet. Victor and his gang will have to haul this huge behemoth home,
>then figure out how to get the right power to it, then figure out how to
>get the right cooling into it, then *pay* for that power and cooling to
>run it, etc.
>If anyone is audacious enough to take on such a challenge then they
>deserve the advantage :)
I'm on your side....
Geoff Roberts
Computer Room Internet Cafe
Port Pirie
South Australia.
Received on Tue Jan 12 1999 - 16:24:42 GMT
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