classic computer stuff in Scientific American

From: Alex Knight <>
Date: Wed Jan 13 08:44:18 1999


One of my more interesting acquisitions along the way of looking
for early-model calculators has been a nearly-complete set of
Scientific American magazines from 1965-1978. In the 1960's
issues there are a few interesting articles about computer
development and evolution and some advertisements for old
computer equipment. I am working on a list of these articles
& ads which will take some time to complete, but I did
want to point out one particular issue that has a wealth of
info. & photos about mid 70's computer technology. The issue
is the September 1977 special issue on Microelectronics.
Inside, there are advertisements for things like the Bally
"Home Library Computer", Apple II (2-page color spread),
Texas Instruments 990/9900, Heathkit H8,H9,H10,H11, HP 21MX/HP1000,
Harris S-110, E&L MMD-1 microcomputer, Vector Graphics, IMSAI
(2-page color spread), Floating Point Systems, Digital LSI-11,
Digital Group, Byte Shop, PolyMorphic Systems, and SOL-20.

Also, in the articles, the following things (among many others)
are covered or photographed: IMSAI 8048 SBC, Intel 8748 photograph,
Intel SBC 80/10 & Intellec MDS-80, Burroughs B80, CRAY-1,
IBM 370/168, PDP-11/03, 11/60, 11/70, Xerox PARC "Experimental
Personal Computer", Smalltalk, and much, much more ;-)

There's a lot of calculator stuff, too, which will eventually
be documented on my Web page.

If you're interested in this type of stuff, it might make a
trip down to your local public library worthwhile to see if
they still have this issue (on paper or fiche).



Calculator History & Technology Archive
Received on Wed Jan 13 1999 - 08:44:18 GMT

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