Yeah, I can look up the number. Is it the original 150 or the later
150-II (aka Touch Screen II). The later ones are VERY boxy looking.
The part that looks like a terminal is the complete computer (minus
drives and printer). The 9133 is a hard/floppy drive combo, it's not an
expansion chassis. There are a couple of expansion slots in the back of
the 150. There's a opening in the top of the unit above the monitor for an
optional thermal printer. But almost any printer with a HP-IB interface
will work on the 150.
At 06:17 PM 1/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Made a few purchases today, and have questions on them all:
>HP 150 with an HP 9133 expansion chassis. Anybody know what kind of
>keyboard this takes? It has a 6 prong telephone style connector.
>Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40. This is a lot like the TRS-80
>PC-4 in appearance, but a bit bigger. It has BASIC in ROM and a
>connector for cartridges. Is there anything actually useful for this?
>THe keyboards too small to do any actual word processing.
>MPP-1150 Parallel Printer Interface by Supra Corporation. This has a
>parallel connector on the one end and a strange 13 pin connector which
>looks something like this:
> _______
>on the other end. Does anybody know what computer this goes to?
>And lastly, I have a single IC in a bag labeled "printer". The chip says
>"NEC RI8739-I35 D2332C 374". Does anybody know what this is? Anybody
>want it?
>Tom Owad
>Sysop of Caesarville Online
>Client software at: <>
Received on Fri Jan 15 1999 - 19:43:44 GMT