picked up PDP11/23

From: Computer Room Internet Cafe <netcafe_at_pirie.mtx.net.au>
Date: Wed Jan 20 07:03:22 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Davie <adavie_at_mad.scientist.com>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Wednesday, 20 January 1999 23:47
Subject: picked up PDP11/23

>Just thought I'd let the list know what I got today
>PDP 11/23 PLUS, with DECSTATION across the front.
>RT01 on top, an RT02 on the bottom.
>Serial number of the machine is 320 - pretty low :)

Nice catch......

>Now, to get the thing running... first I'll have to put a nail across the
>circuit in my fusebox, as I can only run the dishwasher and heater... or
>TV and the microwave and the fan... or... you get the idea. The PDP cord
>10A, so I'm told :)

You probably have a bit of leeway there, DEC boxes always seem to draw less
than they say on the psu labels. My 6000-320 is 3200w according to the
markings, but it only uses about 500.


Geoff Roberts

Computer Room Internet Cafe
Port Pirie
South Australia.
Received on Wed Jan 20 1999 - 07:03:22 GMT

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