Kaypros and Osbornes

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_monmouth.com>
Date: Thu Jan 21 14:05:29 1999

> I heared the Zorba was build to fit some Army specs that an Osborne
> can't do ... don't know if it's true, but at least I whish I had one.
> Gruss
> H.

They did show it in a jeep in the Gemini ad but it wasn't really
built like a tank. (Which is how I can usually tell mil-spec hardware).

I might be willing to unload mine. When I hear one went for $400 on E-Bay.
I think, HEY -- NEXT BUYER -- HERE I AM...

I've even got the prints and manuals.

  Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a 
  villain in a James Bond movie              -- Dennis Miller 
Received on Thu Jan 21 1999 - 14:05:29 GMT

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