On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Tony Duell wrote:
> > > I've tried contacting the lastest version of CDC and they offer no help
> > > whatsoever. Even refused to allow me to release copies of any of their
> > > old manuals "for liability reasons." (don't get me started!)
> >
> > That makes me sooo mad....
> It makes me mad as well.
> Does anyone know a friendly lawyer? Is there any form of legal wording
> that can be used so that the company can't _possibly_ be held liable for
> anything? If not, then there needs to be ;-)
Haven't they already used that in the shrink-wrap license?
- don
> Of course I'm the sort of person who doesn't drag people into court for
> no good reason. I am quite happy to accept the normal English meaning of
> 'no support', 'sold as seen', 'parts or repair only', etc. I just wish
> the rest of the world would do the same.
> -tony
Don Maslin - Keeper of the Dina-SIG CP/M System Disk Archives
Chairman, Dina-SIG of the San Diego Computer Society
Clinging tenaciously to the trailing edge of technology.
Sysop - Elephant's Graveyard (CP/M) Z-Node 9 - 619-454-8412
see old system support at
visit the "Unofficial" CP/M Web site at
with Mirror at
Received on Thu Jan 21 1999 - 16:26:45 GMT