On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Derek Peschel wrote:
> The main reason is that as far as emulation goes, microcode is a totally
> different animal than machine code. Things happen in parallel; although the
> parts of the CPU are doing simple things (like simple arithmetic) they are
> working together. You would have to duplicate them precisely and make a
> single processor act as if it could do things in parallel. As Tony pointed
> out, that may even involve accounting for certain individual logic gates.
> The gate-level emulation by itself would be doable; the parallel-processing
> emulation would be doable; both together would be much less doable.
I was all set to write one until you told me it would be too hard, so I
dropped the project :)
Seems like these obstacles could be over come with some clever state
machine programming.
> So there you have it, Sam. This is why computer science is such a
> fascinating and frustrating subject. Add bad marketing, entropy, and
> general greed and selfishness and things become REALLY interesting. :)
Stop being a nay-sayer and just do it, Derek! That's what college is for.
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Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 00:45:54 GMT