Ebay: Stuff & Help needed with Osborne 1

From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
Date: Tue Jan 26 09:28:47 1999

Again, for the record, I think Marvin's posts are at least
interesting and useful and certainly as interesting as any other
report of a sale or give-away or auction. I appreciate his
routine filtering of the search engine on eBay.

Doung continues to rant:
>But please understand that YOU ARE DIRECTLY COSTING PEOPLE ON

Let's get real: there's *millions* of people on eBay, and a
few hundred here on this list. Who's more likely to jack the
price - a cheapskate from this list, or one of the money-addled
millions on eBay?

Doug said:
>Click on your bookmark once a day or so, [...]
>Isn't that a helluva lot more direct and less noisy and random than
>Marvin's whimsical service?

No. You're missing the big opportunity: write a little Java program
that performs daily searches of eBay and other auction and for-sale
sites for highly prized classic computers, build a search engine
with user-specified queries executed at intervals
ala www.reference.com - agents, man, agents are the next wave!
Banner ads! Sell the demographics! Cross-link and cross-promote!
License the engine! IPO!

- John
Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 09:28:47 GMT

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