Altair BASIC

From: John Foust <>
Date: Tue Jan 26 09:14:07 1999

At 02:42 PM 1/26/99 +1100, Andrew Davie wrote:
>An interesting quote from my ALTAIR BASIC manual...
>"The Software Department is at Ext. 3; and the joint authors of the ALTAIR
>BASIC Interpreter, Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Monte Davidoff, will be glad
>to assist you."
>So, where is Monte these days? I haven't heard of him before.

He's mentioned in the "An Open Letter to Hobbyists", dated 2/3/76:

| Almost a year ago, Paul Allen and myself, expecting the hobby market to
| expand, hired Monte Davidoff and developed Altair BASIC. Though the
| initial work took only two months, the three of us have spent most of
| the last year documenting, improving and adding features to BASIC.

I also found references to him as an co-author of "format_pl1", a
PL/I formatting program, and also worked on PL/I itself and Multics'
"transaction processing" features. He was apparently a fellow
Harvard student with Gates and Allen.

Monte N. Davidoff is one of the "Multicians," a programmer responsible
for some part of the MULTICS operating system. He may be reachable
at <>. Other info is at <>.

I saw another reference that said he's mentioned briefly in the book
"Programmers at work" by Microsoft Press, in Gates' explanation along
side a reproduction of the first page of the source list of Altair
BASIC, with the quote "Paul Allen and I wrote this, Monte Davidoff
wrote all math stuff." An excerpt is below.

He's also mentioned on page 77 and 78 of "Hard Drive", said another

All this was gathered by a few minutes searching with
and, with the string "Monte Davidoff". I know, it's
far easier to enter a message that says "I wonder what happened to
him," and wait for the oracles to whisper the answer. :-)

- John
Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 09:14:07 GMT

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