A message in the list proceeded as follows:
> "Martin Lewis" <martin_at_mlewis.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
> > I have an Oliveti ETV 260
> > It is an 8086 dual 5.25" with built in printer.
> > I was about to throw it away, - Should I proceed ?????
> Hi
> Your in the wrong group if you throw anything away.
I feel obligated to drop in a comment here, for reasons that will be clear
in a moment.
The initial part of this message appeared in the list at my suggestion.
This person sent me an email regarding disposition of the system he has
and inquiring if I would be interested in it, but I had to decline in part
because of where the unit is (in the UK).
I suggested to him (as I have to many others) that he might drop a line to
the mailing list in an attempt to locate someone closer who would be
interested in obtaining the unit.
That said, (and while NOT trying to get this perceived as a 'flame') the
response shown above to the message might not be received in the same
manner by someone outside of the 'group' as it would be someone who has
been here for a while and has been exposed to the communal 'sense of
In the same light, I noted that his posting had some embedded HTML which
is a frequent source of flamage around the group. Again, let me point out
that this person is likely unfamiliar with the environment here and as
such would be unfamililar with the communal 'preferences' as regularly
Regardless of the practices of the 'regulars' around here, directly or
indirectly we are (somewhat) minor participants in the global electronic
'community', and need to keep in mind that there are no universally
accepted 'rules of conduct', either with regard to posting style or
Not everyone who may venture in here may have the same affection for the
'old ways' as we do, or understand why 'rich text' email tweaks some
people off so dramatically. Heck, if they only have email access from an
office system, they may not have a choice in how it is configured!
With prices on the sort of gear that we are seeking seemingly caught in an
alarming upward spiral, is is probably in our best interests to not
inadvertantly drive anyone away through a flippant comment or flame mail
on a perceived breach of list 'etiquette' that they may not be aware of.
Lets at least try to be a bit more patient with a name that you are not
familiar with... The 'regulars' on the other hand are by now either
fairly 'flame' proof, or sufficiently blistered so as not to notice...
And by the way... a direct response (or at least a 'cc') is also probably
a good idea when responding to an unfamililar name offering goodies...
Not everyone who drops a message in our direction will be a 'subscriber'.
...ever seeking the next 'Holy Grail' of computing...
The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 15:18:11 GMT