On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, David Williams wrote:
> I finally had a chance to get out and hit a few thrifts again. I was
> chained in a studio working on an anime, but I'm free again.
> Anyway, I found a Xebec Sider harddrive. Was this for the Apple //?
Yes. 10MB. Mine is still running strong after 14+ years of usage (well,
it hasn't really seen much action in the past 5, but it did use to run on
a 24/7 BBS back in the 80s).
I hope you got the Xebex controller card with it. Its probably inside the
Apple //e that the drive was donated to the thrift store with.
> what it is. Any ideas anyone? Also would like any info on the
> drive type, size interface, etc. It is a model 9710H. Looks like I
> can pull the drive from the case and hook up a different PSU.
I believe its an ST-225 (or whatever the 10MB Seagate model is). I just
opened up my Sider ][ and its some sort of NEC half-height 5.25" drive.
> On another note, anyone tell me anything about a handheld unit, I
> think it was an LK-3000 or some such, I'll have to go back and
> check. The guy wants $50 for it and also has a Tandy Pocket
> Computer for $40 I'm thinking of picking up.
$40? At a thift store? Sheesh. $15 tops. Is the LK-3000 truly handheld
or is it a portable like a Tandy M100?
> Other things I grabbed:
> Odyssey2 in box
> Coleco Adam in box (damn big box for a home console system)
Cool. I passed on the chance to get two of these in the box for $20 about
5 years ago but balked at the shipping. Its not like they're Altairs but
people these days would want ebay dollars for something like that. The
printer came in the box too, right? That explains the size.
> For those of you who were interested in the Mattel Aquarius Data
> Recorders, after two months of no replies to my query on where to
> drop off the money and pick up the recorders, I have finally given up
> on them. They said they accepted my offer but then they just fell
> silent. Guess they found someone else with a better offer.
I forgot all about that. Were you in voice contact with them or e-mail?
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Always being hassled by the man.
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[Last web site update: 01/15/99]
Received on Sun Jan 31 1999 - 01:01:07 GMT