On 30 Jan 99, at 23:01, Sam Ismail wrote:
> Yes. 10MB. Mine is still running strong after 14+ years of usage (well,
> it hasn't really seen much action in the past 5, but it did use to run on
> a 24/7 BBS back in the 80s).
> I hope you got the Xebex controller card with it. Its probably inside the
> Apple //e that the drive was donated to the thrift store with.
Nope, there wasn't a //e there. Someone else either picked it up or
more likely for this place, they never had it. There was a //gs there
but no cards inside and since I have 2 already I left it for someone
else. It was also missing the keyboard, mouse and monitor.
I do have an unknown card for the A2 which I've been told was a
Sider controller. I may give them a try together but of course I don't
have any drivers Sam, hint, hint?
> I believe its an ST-225 (or whatever the 10MB Seagate model is). I just
> opened up my Sider ][ and its some sort of NEC half-height 5.25" drive.
One note, the labels don't call it a Sider ][, just a The Sider. Was
the Sider A2 only or did they sell it for other systems too?
> $40? At a thift store? Sheesh. $15 tops.
Actually that wasn't at a thrift, it was a pawn shop. Though at the
thrift I picked up the Sider at they had a complete Mac LC which
made me laugh. They wanted $120.00 for it, complete with
cracked monitor case. I passed on it.
> Is the LK-3000 truly handheld
> or is it a portable like a Tandy M100?
It is a small handheld type system like the Tandy Pocket
Computer but not as long. A calculator type QWERTY keyboard
and small display. I need to go back and look at it a little more
> > Other things I grabbed:
> >
> > Odyssey2 in box
> Cool.
Yes, I like this one. I've had a bunch of carts for it for a long time
and finally found a system to play them on.
> > Coleco Adam in box (damn big box for a home console system)
> Cool. I passed on the chance to get two of these in the box for $20 about
> 5 years ago but balked at the shipping. Its not like they're Altairs but
> people these days would want ebay dollars for something like that. The
> printer came in the box too, right? That explains the size.
Yes the printer came in there too. I always got a kick out of the
fact that the printer was the PSU for the computer. I had a friend
bring this back from a trip so I didn't have to pay for shipping. That
would have been a bear.
> I forgot all about that. Were you in voice contact with them or e-mail?
I was in email with them. They were local and called me once but I
don't have a number for them. After not receiving a reply to several
emails over the last couple of months and not getting any bounce
messages, I've given up on them and the recorders.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Sun Jan 31 1999 - 11:34:34 GMT