
From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Fri Jul 23 19:52:34 1999

>Hi all,
>I'm looking for information a bout what I call keychorder, it's a single
>handed keyboard type of thingy.
>If anyone can point me to a good online reference or just plai take the time
>to educate me I'll be very gratefull.
>Thank you
>PS: usual net searches on kerchorder did not bring anything. Any alternative
>for a name?

No info, but it sounds familiar, and if it is what I think it is, it dates
back to about 1989 timeframe. I remember seeing something about it in a
computer magazine in either the late 80's or early 90's (after '87 and
prior to '94).

How is that for vague and useless info? :^)


| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |
Received on Fri Jul 23 1999 - 19:52:34 BST

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