Fw: Free 8 inch floppy disks and SIGM disk collection - U haul it.

From: Daniel T. Burrows <danburrows_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Thu Jul 29 14:51:02 1999

Thought there might be some interest here. Spotted on local newsgroup.
Please contact poster directly.
-----Original Message-----
From: User Rdkeys Robert D. Keys <rdkeys_at_weedcon1.cropsci.ncsu.edu>
Newsgroups: triangle.forsale
Cc: rdkeys <rdkeys>
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 2:51 PM
Subject: Free 8 inch floppy disks and SIGM disk collection - U haul it.

>Sadly, after 20 years of playing the great 8 inch flopper routine, I have
>now retired all my early 8 inch computer maschinen to the bit bucket in
>the landfill. RIP old CP/M.....you served me well....
>Now, that leaves me with 13 boxes of new shrinkwrapped SSDD 8 inch
>floppies, and about another 75 loose 8 inch floppies. Also, I have
>a complete SIGM CP/M archive on 8 inch floppies, in storage case,
>about 100 8 inch floppies worth.
>I did not have the heart to relegate these things to the dustbin.
>So, dear friends, computer dinosaur users, who wants them?
>They are yours for the hauling.....
>Bob Keys
Received on Thu Jul 29 1999 - 14:51:02 BST

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