More Bringing up a CPM

From: Dwight Elvey <>
Date: Tue Jun 1 19:42:43 1999

"Richard Erlacher" <> wrote:
> Is there a monitor that can be run to do things like run a software loop
> to
> write to, and subsequently, read from a block of SRAM? Does that work?
> If
> you're having doubts about the memory, it might be a good idea to leave
> the
> DMA out of things for a while, at least until your confidence in your
> memories, of whichever type you decide to use, gets to where you have
> some.

 Leaving out the DMA isn't an option for doing CPM on this
setup. It is the only disk access the mechine has.

 I will do some RAM testing tonight. This may be the problem.
Like I said, I'll most likely do a March C since it is
fast and I can include a larger address than would be
practical with GALPAT.
Received on Tue Jun 01 1999 - 19:42:43 BST

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