- **RARE** "Altair-like" HP1000 minicomputer
- **RARE** "Altair-like" HP1000 minicomputer K00L K00L Vintage! <grin>
- ...
- 11/44 -> RL02 further...
- 11/44 -> RL11
- 2 computers
- 2.9BSD tcp/ip
- 3 computers looking for homes
- 70's sheet metal cases
- 7900A drive platters
- 8" floppy media with 32 hard sectors
- 8-bits as terminals (Was: Serial Multiplexor)
- 8T97 == 74367 ??
- 8T97 == 74367 ?? (IMSAI front panel)
- A bit of Xerox history.
- A chuckle
- A couple of Commodore bits
- A Qbus looking for item...
- Acoustic Coupled Modem
- Aesthetics
- Altair 8800bt, IMSAIs, and friends looking for a good home
- Alto Mouse in "Pirates"
- Analog Computer Patents
- and here's another one . . .a JADE Memory Bank!
- another problem Bringing up a CPM
- Any KSR-1 or 2s out there (OT-newer but rare)
- Anyone collecting Harris Systems
- Apple //e OS
- Apple ProFILE Help Needed
- Are you sitting down?
- Article about collecting in Antique Trader.
- Article about collecting in Antique Trader.)
- ASR-33 Local Mode "OK"
- ASR-33 more on spacing
- ASR-33 on-line
- ASr-33 progress and of course more problems.
- ASR-33 question
- at style keyboards and mc68000
- AT&T 3B1 stuff available
- AT&T 3B2 300
- AT&T 63xx
- AT&T Unix PC 7300
- Atari 130XE, Odessey Voice
- Atari modem)
- Available: IMSAI Chassis
- Bernoulli 10-10 (8 incher) available for shipping fee
- BI Bus
- Bliss, $5
- Bliss, history
- Brain Fart - which Xerox computer started GUI?
- British Science Museum needs a lesson in history
- Bubble memory markings
- card edge connectors
- Card Reader - HELP!
- Card Reader Part 2
- Card Reader!!!
- chips
- Commodore 64 Software
- Commodore 64GS
- Companies first computers
- Compass on web page
- Compilers not coming with the OS anymore
- Compro, S100 & 8" drives
- computers in the media
- Computers in the Movies (was Cromemco System 1 in Ghostbusters)
- confidential info on old harddrives.
- Corona luggable, 1302 drive
- cosmac Elf
- CP/M boot disk
- Cromemco System 1 in Ghostbusters
- Damn Fine Day!
- Data General
- Data General MV/1000
- DB62 PC Bracket
- DB62 PC Bracket needed
- DC Power supply question...duh...
- DEC 11/45 FS.
- DEC Docs
- DEC Handbook, What on earth?
- DEC parts list?
- DEC pdp11/70 console docs
- DEC treasure trove available
- DEC TS05 Tape Controller ?
- DECmicroserver
- Desperate for immediate help with Win95 IP stack
- Disc drive repair shops?
- Disk Drive Documents
- Disney Sound Source
- Disney Sound Source --> A success! Now: Covox Speech Thing
- Early BASIC "how-to" books
- Emulex ID please
- Emulex Thanx
- Epson Equity LT-286 setup
- Epson HX-20
- Excellent new eBay links and new magazine issue
- First Apple I up for auction
- For Auction - IBM Convertible
- For Auction - SWTPC 6800
- For sale -- IBM 4869 drive for PS/2 Model 80
- Formats for Scanned Documentation (was: Disk Drive Documents)
- Formatting disk on rt11
- Forwarded request for help: uts40
- Founder of Sphere surfaces
- Free DECNIS router
- Free HP 9000 340s in the UK
- Free to a good home... (fwd)
- Free: Falco serial terminal, IBM network adapters, Touch screen assembly
- FSOT: two Lear Siegler ADM-3A terminals
- Fun with the HX-20 battery pack
- FYI: Pacman Fever CD
- Going out of contact...
- Goo on my Teletype print head
- GRiD 15XX answers!
- GRiD and misc
- Grid and other pen PDAs FS
- GRiD Compass 1101 now online!
- GRiD disc mysteries (Was: GRiD 15XX answers!!)
- GRiDCASE 1520 update
- GRiDCASE update, now laptop hard drives
- GridPad 1910 sales?
- Hamfest goodies..
- Hamfests
- Hamfests (South American computers)
- Have I been unsubscribed?
- Heads up: Vax 3400 for disposal
- Help needed on HP 7900A disk drive (mechanical)
- How to get digest mode?
- How your collection storage space is used?
- hp 9000 32M of mem cards free
- HP 9000/20 needs software
- HP 9000/840 UPDATE
- HP 9000/840S is alive (sorta)
- HP Sketchpro digitiser
- HP-125 System FS.
- HP1000 on Ebay
- HP3000
- HP7900A drive
- HP7937 (Eagle) discs was HP 9000/840S is alive (sorta)
- HyperTerm (was Northstar Horizon)
- I have some Digital Rainbow 100's For Sale!
- i'm confused..
- IBM 5100 sought
- IBM book...
- IBM System/36 available
- ID this PC card
- id this transputer tram
- If you want a PS2 9595
- IMSAI 8080 (our show so far...)
- IMSAI front panel (7405 == 7406)??
- Info Needed: DQ606 Floppy Controller
- Info needed: HP1000F/2117F
- Installing Epson PF-10 floppy drive
- Interested in old computing stuff -- europe area
- Is anyone interested in military Compupro s-100 computers?
- It's going to be scrapped...
- it's just typical (was: First Apple I up for auction)
- Just scored an IMSAI
- Kai's list of Top 150 Collectible USA Microcomputers
- Kaypro II
- kemit for rt11
- Laser-50 "educational computer"
- List of attractive computers
- Lobotomizing HyperTerminal
- Lobotomizing HyperTerminal >> Alternative
- Local bus schedule
- Local bus schedule)
- Mac 512 w/ Design Team Signatures
- Mark I & Iowa State ABC magazine article
- MAS-20 Microbotics hard drive for Amiga?
- Mattel handheld Football 2 (1978)
- Meaning of TU-81 dignostic code
- Micro/Vax/Station 2000 question
- MicroVax 2000 external hard drive question
- Misusing the list - sorry (again).
- MITS ALTAIR 8-inch Floppy Auction
- MITS HDC Enclosure
- More Bringing up a CPM
- More new things in search of docs... (MCS-85)
- More on GRiDs
- More on the Compupro
- Motorola NCP
- Motorola UDS modem....
- MSCP Manual
- Museummy Computer
- MV3100s
- My new toy: HP85
- N8T97N IC, what is it?
- Need help with rescue in Richardson, Texas
- Need photographs of vintage computers for magazine article.
- New Finds Today
- New member, New machine
- New today
- New toy..
- Nicolet 824 Plotter specs/info pls?
- No subject
- Northstar Horizon
- Northstar Horizon (was: confidential info on old harddrives.
- Nortstar 64kDRAM, looking for info
- Odd glitch in a PDP-8/i
- Off Topic about GRiD and 1958 Oscilloscope- Help requested.
- Old bits
- OMTI Series-10 bridge controller to SA-1000 series HD
- One more..
- Ooooppss
- OS/2 Off Topic
- OT -mostly -
- OT request: need SIIG and SMC network drivers
- OT: Desperate for immediate help with Win95 IP stack
- OT: Found the solution for my own request for help
- OT: Included Development Tools
- OT: Internet/AC Power question about University in Cusco, Peru
- OT: Mailing List Dead?
- OT: Quick Q about uploading to website.
- Other list???
- Outcome of Today's Apple 1 Auction
- Paul Montgomery, dead of heart attack at 39...
- PC's Limited (1986 on topic)
- PDP 11/23 System to go (Long Island, NY) (fwd)
- pdp11/45
- pdp11/70 console manual.
- Pirates...
- plain great luck
- Preview of VCF 3.0 speakers
- Pricing a PDP-8/L
- Privacy questions reviewed by actual attorney!
- Processor Technology SOL-20 Help Needed
- PSU pinout
- Quest ELF was Top 150 .....
- Question...
- Questions about reviving a TRS-80 Model ][
- Radius PowerView ps specs
- Rainbow Dvorak
- RL02 Help
- RL02s available in Puget Sound, WA area
- RL02s Working, need Driver info
- RSTS/E V9.7 sysgen
- RSX-11M emulator for VMS?
- Russian computers in hand :)))
- SABER 500 (SCSI)
- Sanyo MBC 555
- Sanyo MBC 555 PC/IBM 5150 XT
- SCSI-Floppy Card
- SD Sales/Systems EXPANDORAM
- Seeking a ZX80
- Seen at an NC establishment closing down later this year
- Semi-rescue in Oregon
- Serial Multiplexor???
- Serial option for PCs
- Siemens/Nixdorf computer -- need hardware info!
- SoCal TRW Swapmeet 26th
- Sol-10
- Sol-20 Keyboard
- Sorry for blank msg
- Source for DSDD 3.5" floppies?
- Space, the next frontier
- Sparc date problems & 3/60 HW needed
- Special VCF Rate of ClassicCmp'ers
- Specs wanted: Pertec Interface (tape drives)
- Spring CP/M-UG (Oregon) Swapmeet Tomorrow!
- State of the Hobby
- Status update, plus need HP 790x disc drives
- Strange PDP card available
- Sun 3/60
- Sun hard drive question
- SW needed for Radius pivot monitor
- SWTPc 6800
- tandon 848-2 8" floppy drive
- Televideo TS-806/20
- That awful show on TNT
- The acid test, sinewaves ala tty
- This weeks finds.
- Timex Sinclair 2068
- To those who want the VAXstation 3100
- Top 150 Collectible Microcomputers
- Top collectable machines
- Toshiba Laptop Memory
- Toshiba T1200 laptop battery question
- Trojan Heads-Up
- TRS-80 Model III for sale
- TRS-80 parts/software needed
- VAX 11/750!!!!
- VAXstation 3100
- VAXstation CDROM questions (again)
- VAXstation for sell or trade!
- VAXstation I questions
- VCF Announcement
- VCF Announcement: Nerd Trivia Challenge
- VCF Computer Faire Online Form
- VECTOR GRAPHICS 64K DRAM Card - switch settings?
- VIC-20 printer
- Vintage computers
- Visual computer
- VXT2000 info needed
- Wang stuff
- Wanted: Alpha-Syntauri
- Wanted: DEC EDUSystem Handbook
- Western Digital Hardisks
- What is a NextStation Color?
- What is a XEROX 3700?
- What is an IBM PowerServer 370?
- Where the heck did they get the Lisa 1?
- Who says familiy activities are extinct? ^_^
- Who says familiy activities are extinct? ^_^)
- Why does my Apple IIe run so _fast_ ?
- Woz speaks on "Pirates..."
- WTD: Non-working Mac Portable with good screen
- WTF?
- Xerox workstation -- need hardware info!
- Yet another GRiDposting
- your mail
- ZX81
- ZX81 / and HamRadio
- ZX8x (South American computers)
- Last message date: Wed Jun 30 1999 - 23:44:02 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:32:18 BST