Northstar Horizon

From: <(>
Date: Wed Jun 2 11:11:17 1999

> Any good sources for routine and/or user information about the Horizon?
> f'rinstance: what's the pinout on those 15 pin D "parallel" connectors?
> Any chance the signals are close enough to be cabled into a centronics

Yes, they are parallel in and parallel out, and centronics printer is
doable with them.

> style port? I haven't applied power to it yet; anything exceptional to
> watch out for?

Not really, make sure everything is setup right and you know if the
controller is SD or DD so you try to boot the right version of the OS.

I have two both SD and working. Once I have a useable DDcopy of the OS
I'll try to bring up the DD controllers I have.

Any terminal will do, serial and the baud rate and pinout to the
connectors is setup via headers on the backplane board.

NOTE: NS* boot is unilateral try to read the disk and try to execute that
so there is NO terminal dialog without a OS disk..

Received on Wed Jun 02 1999 - 11:11:17 BST

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